Sunday, July 23, 2017

2017 New PokeBall Finger Stress Spinner Review

One cause that I care a lot about is ADHD. My nephew, goddaughter and godson all have ADHD and I have been struggling with it myself for decades. I know that fidget toys are a big trend with people of all ages right now, but I have been familiar with such toys and stress relief tools for a long time. This particular fidget toy is much simpler than some of the other gadgets that are out there, but I like this product because of its simplicity and durability. I also love the Pokeball design. I am a Pokemon Go player and most of the kids I work with like Pokemon, so I'm saving this to give away as a prize to one of my students. A lot of the other fidget toys that I have tried can be distracting with their lights and sounds, but this is small, simple, easy to use, and very discreet. It is very well made and is very soft, so it seems like a good choice for younger kids too. Overall, I am very pleased with this product and highly recommend it.

Click the link below to learn more about or purchase this product:

2017 New PokeBall Finger Stress Spinner


I received this product at a discounted rate in exchange for my honest review. Opinions are 100% my own.