Friday, August 12, 2016

Complete Pet Care Set Review

Our kids love animals and our four-year old has also been fascinated by doctors and vets lately. She likes to "play doctor" and practice giving shots on her stuffed animals to "make them all better." This pet care set was the perfect treat for her. It includes a cute little puppy in a pet carrier, as well as supplies like a stethoscope, thermometer, a syringe, a blood pressure meter, a good bowl, etc. Basically it has everything you would need to examine, care for, or groom your pet. She has so much fun with it and it's educational too because I explain what each piece is for. Overall, I am very pleased with this product and highly recommend it. I think this would make a great gift for any child.

Click the link below to learn more about or purchase this product:

Complete Pet Care Set on Amazon

I received this product free to review. Opinions are 100% my own.